
Mobile App Developement

"Mobile is the future, and there's no suck thing as communication overload"

Creative problem solver with unique blend of analytical skills is the secret recipe for a great mobile app developer. We unleash our best developers when the time calls for to analyse the way people use their mobile devices. Constant discussion and creative story board for the flow of mobile application development gives us the leverage to satisfy our clients and their requirements. Nexteon specialises in Android/iOS app development and understands cross-device compatibility.

How can we help?
  • Our skilled and dedicated Android/iOS developers provide professional level of project implementation that includes conceptualisation, wire-framing, project management, prototype development, both frontend and backend programming, UI/UX design, usability analysis, QA and testing, Android Market approval.
  • User-friendly product that expands customers experience just on time.
  • Improving infrastructure provisioning through automated deployments and self service portals.
  • We use wide range of advanced tools, frameworks, and IDEs that enable building flexible mobile enterprise software and mobile consumer applications capable of standing the test of multi-platform compatibility.
  • Testing a mobile app across the target platforms and their respective versions for utmost stability and quality.
What makes us different?
  • We believe in consistent looking application across all the leading devices.
  • Discussing and preparing a roadmap for better backend integrations.
  • Coding with the finesse and art of securing them is what we stand for.
  • Cross device UI responsiveness.
Mobility Technologies we use: